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Clash of Clans: Clan Wars have been a very welcome injection of new content to SuperCell’s mobile strategy juggernaut, but as with other aspects of CoC (and mobile games in general), you are often left to figure out the finer details on your own. In a game of strategy, information is power, so arm yourself with these clan wars secrets and get a leg up on those other Chiefs.
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1. Picking who you want to participate
Clans range in size, and Clan Wars is designed to accommodate that. You’ve probably noticed that Clans are matched in 5 member increments up to the maximum of 50 vs. 50, and down to the minimum of 10 vs. 10. What is much less obvious, is who participates and how they are listed.
Update While this section was true when the article was first written, Supercell has updated the way clan wars participants are chosen since we wrote it. Now you can explicitly opt in or out to wars. In case there are too many members opted in to join a war, the most powerful clan members are chosen rather than whoever has the most trophies.
Clan members are ranked ***by Trophies***, and then selected up to a number between 10 and 50 that’s divisible by 5. Town Hall level, and upgrade status have no effect on whether clan members *participate* in a Clan War.
Warning If some of your senior members like to really “slum it” in the low trophy ranges when farming, be sure they climb up to the “per 5” breakpoint before starting a Clan Wars search, or they will be excluded from the Clan War.
Pro Tip Have a member you don’t want to participate in a Clan War? If you have extra members past the “per 5” clan match up threshold, you can have them drop Trophies till they are at the bottom of your list. So for example if you have 12 members, make sure they drop till they are 11 or 12. This will keep them out of the Clan War, and will give another clan member the opportunity to participate so that hopefully attacks don’t go unused.
War Map Listing
Somewhat counter-intuitively, the Clan War Map lists each participating clan member based on their upgrades. Often this will result in a sorting by Town Hall level, but it is possible for highly upgraded clan members (for their level) to be listed higher than a fellow clan member with a higher Town Hall level. This doesn’t have much strategic effect, but there are minor effects.
Pro Tip The War Map is a great way to assess the upgrades-based pecking order of your clan. You may be surprised to see some clan members ranking much higher than you’d expect, and some much lower. If you are recruiting, or assessing new recruits, keep an eye out for those that rank highly among peers at the same Town Hall level.
Warning Upgrading your Town Hall too soon has lots of downsides, and now there is another one. Players who rush to upgrade will find that they may rank lower on the War Map than highly upgraded clanmates with a lower level Town Hall. This will make the higher Town Hall clannie a lightning rod for attacks in every Clan War because a) Opposing clan members generally get more loot for attacking a higher Town Hall target b) The “lightning rod” will look like the easiest target for that Town Hall level, and in general a weak target. I know it’s hard, but don’t rush Town Hall upgrades Chief.
2. Attacking
By now if you’ve done a few Clan Wars you’ve probably figured out that you only need 1 star to be eligible for a War Win Bonus, and I’m sure you’ve guessed that not all targets are created equal so it pays to shop around. There are some nuances of choosing a target that are not obvious, however.