Clash of Lords 2 Guild Chariot
"The Empire Needs You!"
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The game is set in an updated version of The Throne of Chaos (the sub module at the back of the Crown of Chaos module). Thanks to the folk on Leg Help who helped tweak the design from a module I thought might be interesting into one that should actually be brilliant!Each player should choose one from the following 6 options (full details on these below).
1) Duke
These will begin the game controlling a module location.
We will need 7 of these as they are effectively team captains.
2) Baron
These will begin the game controlling a module location.
Each Duke will be allied with 3 of these.
3) Duke or a Baron, don't mind which!
These will begin the game controlling a module location.
These gain a random Mark (Not Good/Evil/Power).
4) Citizen
These are aligned with a particular Dukedom.
Each Duke will be allied with an equal number of these.
5) Agitator
These may not win the game unless they join Dukedoms, which they can only do after game start (see below).
These gain a random Mark (Not Good/Evil/Power).
6) Chaos Minion
These are aligned with a particular Dukedom (see below).
Each Duke will be allied with an equal number of these.
Chaos Minions may include a preference in their pledge for Bug, Chaos, Tasen, Mutant, Amphibian, Half Breed, or Enigma.
7) True Chaos Lord These may only win alone.
If you really want to play on the same team as particular players you should have one of you pick Duke, at least one pick Baron and at least one pick Citizen, at least one pick Chaos Minion (the Duke can put the other three players at their first picks).
After teams are picked Titles will be created for each of the Dukedoms and players will be given those titles by the GM so that other players know which positions belong to which Dukedom.
Set-up and Game Configuration
Spirit based King's peace across the entire board for 2 months (influence not prohibited)All Set up characters will have 3 actions
SEI limit 1200 (6 public works)
Tactics limit 100%
Troop training level 12
Revolts every month
Trade goods weigh 5
10 day turn around throughout
No Teleporting of TGs using adventures or item activation.
Tough module locations, high prestige owners
There is no restriction on the use of Character Rolling Thunder.
Carry capacity of flying mounts is quartered. CF of flying mounts is increased. Neither change affects flying warmounts. Stables give 5% growth modifier.
You are permitted to join any of the 'normal' and 'secret' Crown of Chaos factions - but the only victory conditions are those described below.Normal Victories
Victory is snapshot and may be claimed if any Dukedom (including Baronial and Citizen positions) control sufficient Ducal capitals and associated baronies. and if Royal Haven is under control of their Chaos Minion(s)
To win a Dukedom must either:
a) control 7 Ducal capitals and Royal Haven must be in the control of the associated Chaos Minion
b) control 3 Ducal capitals (must include their own) and 10 Baronial capitals (may include their own) and Royal Haven must be in the control of the associated Chaos Minion
There are no Special Events assailing Royal Haven, yet it is important for all players to defend it to prevent Chaos Lord victories - and other factions claiming it with a Chaos Minion.
Chaos Lord Victories
Chaos Lords may not attempt to influence Royal Haven.
A Chaos Lord may claim victory if they take Royal Haven militarily before Trekwill returns - and then that Chaos Lord (alone) wins, everyone else loses.
Trekwill returns
If after 24 months no victory has been declared Trekwill returns and the game ends. At this point game victory will be based on the module "Achievements" the Dukedom with the most (living, not captive) title holders being the winner.
Throne of Chaos Achievements
MASTERS OF MANA (Title 2802)There is no Masters of Mana title, nor a Mana Clash.
This title is held by the Arcane Master who won the last Arcane clash. This counts as an Achievement for the Dukedom that controls that character.
This title is held by the High Priest who won the last Coven clash. This counts as an Achievement for the Dukedom that controls that character.
This title is held by the character who won the Knight's clash.
If that character was in the range 1-1000, this counts as an Achievement for the Dukedom that controls that character.
This title is held by the character who won the Rune clash.
This counts as an Achievement for the Dukedom that controls that character.
PATHFINDER (Title 2807)
This title is held by the character who won the most recent Pathfinder clash. This counts as an Achievement for the Dukedom that controls that character.
Special Action 2808
Be a Tasen main character (races 206, 226, 246). Own Tosgard, Krosnogard and Tierkegaard for 3 consecutive productions. Once.
Gain - Title 2808.
This counts as an Achievement for the Dukedom that controls that character.
Special Action 2809
Be a Trollish main character (races 207, 227, 247). Own Trollheim, Mannheim and Kinderheim for 3 consecutive productions. Once.
Gain - Title 2809.
This counts as an Achievement for the Dukedom that controls that character.
THE HIVE QUEEN (Title 1600)
Special Action 1600
Be a female main character who is of the Hive (races 209, 229, 249). Own Tric'Klic, Tri'Tic and Tric'Cla for 3 consecutive productions. Once.
Gain - Title 1600.
This counts as an Achievement for the Dukedom that controls that character.
This title is held by the character who won the Thief clash.
This counts as an Achievement for the Dukedom that controls that character.
This title is held by the character who won the Assassin clash.
This counts as an Achievement for the Dukedom that controls that character.
THE RUNE LORD (Title 2812)
Special Action ? or Adventure ?(Discovered in the course of play)
(For an Enchanter who is a Runemaster and attunes himself to the Great Runes: Rune Hammer, Rune Shield, Rune Armor, Rune Chariot, Rune Ring, and Rune Stone.)
If that character was in the range 1-1000, This counts as an Achievement for the Dukedom that controls that character.
This title is held by the character who won the Merchant clash.
This counts as an Achievement for the Dukedom that controls that character.
Special Action 2815
Be a Dwarven main character (races 204, 224, 244). Own the Duchy of Masaland and Rainbow City for 3 consecutive productions. Once.
Gain - Title 2815.
This counts as an Achievement for the Dukedom that controls that character.
Special Action 2816
Be a Chaos main character (races 202, 207, 212, 222, 227, 232, 242, 247, 252). Own Blackpool and the same 3 Holds of Chaos for 3 consecutive productions. Once.
Gain - Title 2816.
This counts as an Achievement for the Dukedom that controls that character.
THE PRINCE OF MAN (Title 2817)
Special Action 2817
Be a Human main character (races 201, 221, 241) with a Duke title (including Duke in exile). Own the same six cities out of the nine cities of the Baronies of Alsayce; Cerralean and Kalgary for 3 consecutive productions. Once.
Gain - Title 2817.
This counts as an Achievement for the Dukedom that controls that character.
Special Action 2814
Be an Elven main character (races 203, 223, 243). Own the Duchy of Inglewood and Bow's End for 3 consecutive productions. Once.
Gain - Title 2814.
This counts as an Achievement for the Dukedom that controls that character.
Special Action 2818
Be an Orcish main character (races 202, 212, 222, 232, 242, 252). Own St. Stanislas, Kinderheim and Strathmore for 3 consecutive productions. Once.
Gain - Title 2818.
This counts as an Achievement for the Dukedom that controls that character.
Special Action 2819
Be a priest main character with Lesser or Demigod status. Be at the Godstone with The Rune (#2001), The Word (#2002), The Way (#2003) and The Divine Power #(2004).
Gain - Create your own religion - details from GM.
This counts as an Achievement for the Dukedom that controls that character.
Special Action 2820
Be a Duke or Baron. Your starting location must have these stats minimum:
Legendary Walls: Size 100; Ditch 4; Moat 4; Gate 20; Keep 20; Towers: 50;
At least one of each type of guild (type 1 to 9) strength of 12; one church of each religion of the same alignment as the main character, strength 12; between them, these guilds must contain one of each type of facility (guild extension);
Province Fertility 5; Lumber 50; Stone 50; Iron 50 ; one of each type of flora;
Disease free Pop - 10, 000 of one race in one Pop Seg; 5, 000 of different race in one Pop Seg; 2, 500 of a third race in one Pop Seg; 2, 500 of a fourth race in one Pop Seg; 1000 level 12 troops in one slot as defenders; an SEI of 1000; a Marketplace.
Gain - Title 2820.
This counts as an Achievement for the Dukedom that controls that character.
Special Action 2821
Be the overall commander and a slot commander of the party which defeats the Demon Beast in combat. All combatants must have been either Knight 20 or Ranger 20 or Berserker 20 at the start of the fight.
Gain - All members of the party gain the title.
If every member of the party was in the same duchy, this counts as an Achievement for the Dukedom that controls that character.
Note: It is not legal to defeat the Demon Beast and then release it to create a new battle.
THE RESCUER (Title 2822)
Special Action 2822
Be a main character. Rescue the character described below and solve the mystery of who it is and its destiny: "Before Trekwill fell into a coma he was planning to lead a rescue of a lost child believed to be a lost Princess or Prince or some obscure arcane title. Little is know of the character other than the number which will be announced upon Trekwill's death."
Gain - Title 2822.
This counts as an Achievement for the Dukedom that controls that character.
Special Action ?
Be a Signtist with Marks of Power and Destiny. Have the scrolls of the Grand Unification Label (#2330 to 2333), be in the 'Lab' and perform the Ritual of Unification as explained in the Scrolls.
Gain - ?
This counts as an Achievement for the Dukedom that controls that character.
The Pathfinder riddle clash is removed from this game.
Instead there will be a 'moveplot' clash 6 months after game start and every 6 months following that:
The Ranger who has the 'World Record' for moving the furthest in one land based 'move force' order will win the clash.