Castle Guide Clash of Kings
Clash of Kings: Last Empire, another MMORTS RPG game similar to other strategy games like Clash of Clans where you build an empire to battle other players. Let’s cut right to the chase and help you out with some of the best new cheats and tricks for 2017!
Clash of Kings Buildings
Buildings have different roles and functions in the game like training troops, housing your resources, research for advancement, etc. Below are the types of buildings and their functions:
- Castle – the most important building in the game and must be upgraded to unlock other buildings. This building also provides overview of your kingdom, where players can view their level cap, buff info, and resources. Destroyed castles sets fire for 30 minutes and decreases your city defense points and they are automatically placed in random within the kingdom if the defense point reaches zero.
- Farm – this building produces food for your troops that is consumed automatically. You can have a maximum of 10 farms and can be upgraded to increase its storage size.
- Sawmills – this building produces wood that is needed to build and upgrade buildings. You can also have a maximum of 10 sawmills and can also be upgraded to increases its storage size.
- College – this is where you research different kinds of technologies for advancement and also the second most important building besides castle.
- Military Tent – this building trains and assembles troops. It can be upgraded for higher training capacity and faster training speed.
- Hospital – this building heals troops wounded in battle. Can be upgraded to increase its capacity and to treat more wounded troops.
- Drill Grounds – this building is the rally point of your troops. Can be upgraded to increase marching army size.
- Walls – functions as a city’s defense. It can be upgraded to increase the wall’s defense points and trap capacity.
- Depot – this building protects your resources. Can be upgraded to increase the capacity and daily limit.
- Embassy – this is where allied members can help each other.
Researching science and donating in alliance science increases the help effects you’ll receive.
- Market – this is where you can request and/or send resources from your allies. Can be upgraded to increase the amount of resources you send and decreases tax rate.
- Hall of War – this is the place where your allies gather to form a powerful army. Can be upgraded to increase troop numbers gathered here.
- Watchtower – this provides enemy intelligence and can be upgraded to provide detailed information.
- Turret – Your city’s primary defense. Can be upgraded to increase its attack skills.
Clash of Kings Troops
Troops are required to attack neighboring players and pillage their resources. Build low-tier units. for efficient farming. Each troop has its own strong vs. weak against other types. Listed below are your troop’s buildings:
- Barracks – trains infantries. Upgrading this building unlocks new troops like Militia, Infantry, Spearman, Swordsman, Pikeman, Noble Swordsman, Guard, heavy Pikeman, Halberdier, and Berserker.
- Stables – trains cavalry. Upgrading this building unlocks new troops like Rider, Light Cavalry, Heavy Cavalry, Mounted Archer, Cavalry Shooter, Knights Templar, Heavy Cavalry Archer, Royal Knight, Strike Archer, and Divine Knight.
- Range – trains archers.
Upgrading this building unlocks new troops like Shortbowman, Longbowman, Crossbowman, Arbalester, Elite Longbowman, Archer Guard, Heavy Crossbowman, Eagle Archer, Windlass Man, and Marksman.
- Chariot Plant – trains siege equipment. Upgrading this building unlocks new troops like Bricole, Assault Cart, Mangonel, Battering Ram, Heavy Mangonel, Demolisher, Onager, Ballista, Siege Tower, and Cannon.
Clash of Kings Forging
Forging is an essential part of this game as it enhances your equipment to make it more advanced and powerful. It requires resources like materials, an extra equipment (level one is exempted), and steel you can forge in the blacksmith. Let’s look at the items.
Each material gives buff bonus to your equipment. They can be obtained via killing monsters, port gifts and, of course, farming. The quality of a material is identified by their color and there are six of them: White, Green, Blue, Purple, Orange, Gold (lowest to highest). You need four of the same color and material, then synthesize each color levels to obtain the highest color (Gold). Here are the list of color upgrade (forging the lowest color first):
- 4 Orange = 1 Gold
- 4 Purple = 1 Orange
- 4 Blue = 1 Purple
- 4 Green = 1 Blue
- 4 White = 1 Green
There are five different types of equipment, namely: Helmets, Shirts, Pants, Boots, and Rings. Each of them have five different levels, different colors, and each level gives different buff bonus that can be forged.